Unifying 3D Vision-Language Understanding via Promptable Queries

ECCV 2024
Ziyu Zhu1,2     Zhuofan Zhang1,2     Xiaojian Ma2     Xuesong Niu2     Yixin Chen2     Baoxiong Jia2    
Zhidong Deng1📧     Siyuan Huang2📧     Qing Li2📧    
1Tsinghua University     2Beijing Institute for General Artificial Intelligence (BIGAI)    

TL;DR: We propose PQ3D, a unfied model for 3D vision-language understanding, capable of taking various prompts and representations to perform a wide range of tasks in a 3D Scene.


A unified model for 3D vision-language (3D-VL) understanding is expected to take various scene representations and perform a wide range of tasks in a 3D scene. However, a considerable gap exists between existing methods and such a unified model, due to the independent application of representation and insufficient exploration of 3D multi-task training. In this paper, we introduce PQ3D, a unified model capable of using Promptable Queries to tackle a wide range of 3D-VL tasks, from low-level instance segmentation to high-level reasoning and planning.Tested across ten diverse 3D-VL datasets,

This is achieved through three key innovations: (1) unifying various 3D scene representations (i.e., voxels, point clouds, multi-view im- ages) into a shared 3D coordinate space by segment-level grouping, (2) an attention-based query decoder for task-specific information retrieval guided by prompts, and (3) universal output heads for different tasks to support multi-task training.

PQ3D demonstrates impressive performance on these tasks, setting new records on most benchmarks. Particularly, PQ3D improves the state- of-the-art on ScanNet200 by 4.9% (AP25), ScanRefer by 5.4% (acc@0.5), Multi3DRefer by 11.7% (F1@0.5), and Scan2Cap by 13.4% (CIDEr@0.5).Moreover, PQ3D supports flexible inference with individual or combined forms of available 3D representations, e.g., solely voxel input


Our main contributions are

  1. PQ3D model We propose a unified model adept at handling a broad spectrum of 3D vision-language tasks, rang ing from low-level instance segmentation to high-level reasoning and planning.
  2. Representations alignment. Our model uniquely aligns voxels, point clouds, and multi-view images into a shared 3D space and employs an attention-based query decoder to adaptively extract task-relevant features guided by prompts, offering a flexible approach to model all 3D-VL tasks.
  3. Performance. In our extensive experimentation across various 3D-VL tasks, PQ3D not only achieves competitive results but also sets new records in most of the tasks

PQ3D Model

Examples on 3D VL Understanding

Qualitative results on promptable segmentation, visual grounding, question answering, dense captioning, object navigation, and task planning.

Promptable Segmentation Results


      title={Unifying 3D Vision-Language Understanding via Promptable Queries},
      author={Zhu, Ziyu and Zhang, Zhuofan and Ma, Xiaojian and Niu, Xuesong and Chen, Yixin and Jia, Baoxiong and Deng, Zhidong and Huang, Siyuan and Li, Qing},